März 25, 2009
März 22, 2009
März 21, 2009
März 15, 2009
Kooperation versus Eigenprofil?
Kooperation versus Eigenprofil? : 31. Arbeits- und Fortbildungstagung der ASpB e.V., Sektion 5 im Deutschen Bibliotheksverband, 25. bis 28. September 2007 in der Technischen Universität Berlin / Ursula Flitner; Jadwiga Warmbrunn ; Jürgen Warmbrunn [Hrsg.]. - Karlsruhe : Univ.verl., 2009. - 978-3-86644-311-2 95 € - Auch als PDF zum Herunterladen.
Lauter alte Akten
Blaschke, Karlheinz: Lauter alte Akten. - Leipzig ; Jena : Urania-Verl. für populärwiss. Lit., 1956. - Verfügbar online auf den Seiten des Stadtarchivs Frankfurt/Oder mit Möglichkeit, das Buch als PDF herunterzuladen.
März 09, 2009
The e-Revolution and Post-Compulsory Education: Using e-business models to deliver quality education : JISC
The e-Revolution and Post-Compulsory Education: Using e-business models to deliver quality education / Hrsg.: Jos Boys and Peter Ford. - S.l. : JISC, 2008.[Ein Jahr früher erschienen bei: London : Routledge]
The best practices of e-business are revolutionising not just technology itself but the whole process through which services are provided; and from which important lessons can be learnt by post-compulsory educational institutions. This book aims to move debates about ICT and higher education beyond a simple focus on e-learning by considering the provision of post-compulsory education as a whole. It considers what we mean by e-business, why e-business approaches are relevant to universities and colleges and the key issues this raises for post-secondary education.
The best practices of e-business are revolutionising not just technology itself but the whole process through which services are provided; and from which important lessons can be learnt by post-compulsory educational institutions. This book aims to move debates about ICT and higher education beyond a simple focus on e-learning by considering the provision of post-compulsory education as a whole. It considers what we mean by e-business, why e-business approaches are relevant to universities and colleges and the key issues this raises for post-secondary education.
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