In a common effort to promote the work of IFLA, De Gruyter Saur is making sixteen IFLA Publications available in Open Access over its online platform Reference Global.
IFLA Publications available in Open Access from August 2011:
IP 147 - IFLA Public Library Service Guidelines (2010)
Ed. by Christie Koontz & Barbara Gubbin
IP 144 - Social Science Libraries (2010)
Ed. by Steve W. Witt & Lynne M. Rudasill
IP 141 - The History and Cultural Heritage of Chinese Calligraphy, Printing and Library Work (2010)
Ed. by Susan M. Allen, Lin Zuzao, Cheng Xiaolan, & Jan Bos
IP 140 - Guidelines for Legislative Libraries (2009)
Ed. by Keith Cuninghame
IP 139 - Strategies for Regenerating the Library and Information Profession (2009)
Ed. by Jana Varlejs & Graham Walton
IP 138 - Library Statistics for the Twenty-First Century World (2009)
Ed. by Michael Heaney
IP 136/137 - Global Library and Information Science (2009)
Ed. by Ismail Abdullahi
IP 134 - Libraries and Information Services towards the Attainment of the UN Millennium Development Goals (2008)
Ed. by Benson Njobvu & Sjoerd Koopman
IP 132 - Managing Technologies and Automated Library Systems in Developing Countries: Open Source vs Commercial Options (2008)
Ed. by Bernard Dione & Réjean Savard
IP 127 - Measuring Quality (2007)
Ed. by Roswitha Poll & Peter te Boekhorst
IP 126 - Continuing Professional Development: Pathways to Leadership in the Library and Information World (2007)
Ed. by Ann Ritchie & Clare Walker
IP 123 - Changing Roles of NGOs in the Creation, Storage, and Dissemination of Information in Developing Countries (2006)
Ed. by Steve W. Witt
IP 120/121 - Management, Marketing and Promotion of Library Services Based on Statistics, Analyses and Evaluation (2006)
Ed. by Trine Kolderup Flaten
IP 10 - IFLA's First Fifty Years (1977)
Ed. by Willem R. H. Koops & Joachim Wieder